Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby Steps....

Well...I got one blog post from November...that wasn't a very good start...

I would really like to do this regularly, develop a following, and have fun with it :)

Lately I have been ADDICTED to Pinterest.  There are so many fun and creative things on there.  It actually inspired me to go out and buy a freezer (which I bought from Craigs List for $250, a 17 cubic ft, upright...looks like NEW!)  And Pinterest has also inspired me to try "freezer cooking".  I stocked up on meat at Piggly Wiggly's 1 day meat sale last weekend and am "pinning" lots of recipes to make and freeze.  

The other thing that has me so excited is canning!  I really want to get my veggie garden going again this year, and  hit the farmers markets for "in season" fruits and veggies, to use the new pressure canner I just got!  

Also have been inspired to make bread...havent done it yet, but it's on my "to do list", hopefully I can get to it very soon!

I am feeling quite domestic!